Support Us
Orchestras Central is a not-for-profit charitable trust that needs the support of passionate and generous people who understand the transformative potential of music both in their lives and the lives of others. Our orchestral experiences are for everyone, designed to connect local communities, inspire creativity, and enhance wellbeing.
We are very grateful to all our supporters.
Your support can help enable our orchestras to create extraordinary musical encounters in ‘our place’, the Waikato.

There are many ways you can give, such as individual giving as a one off or a regular donation.
You could also support our annual appeal, which each year will focus on a particular aspect of the organisation’s activities in greatest need of support.
Another way is to provide a gift in your will. If legacy giving is meaningful for you after you have considered your whaanau and loved ones, please do let us know.
A gift of any size can make a measurable difference to what we are able to do.
As a sponsor you will be recognised in our concert programmes (or can be anonymous if you prefer), and we can offer you behind the scenes experiences, such as meeting the musicians and hosting opportunities. We can tailor bespoke business partnerships for all needs.
Orchestras Central's registered name is Orchestras Central Trust.
A Registered Charitable Entity under the Charities Act 2005
Registration Number CC53039