All people of the Waikato can benefit from extraordinary orchestral experiences.
We provide orchestral experiences that are accessible throughout the Waikato,
deeply part of our community, and bring inspiration and joy to people of all ages
and backgrounds.
We do more than deliver great performances - we grow player participation and encourage community engagement through our concerts, programmes, and education initiatives.
Orchestras Central supports over 300 musicians, both community players and contracted professionals,
and delivers more than 30 events each year in the Waikato region.
We can only do this with the support of our funders and donors,
and through generous provisions of services and skills.
With grateful thanks to our strategic partner the University of Waikato, our home is at the
Gallagher Academy of the Performing Arts.
Our core funder is Creative New Zealand, and Trust Waikato and WEL Energy Trust are our major local funders.
We are also incredibly grateful for the ongoing support and enthusiasm of the group of passionate
volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes.
Every year more than 10,000 people enjoy connecting with our orchestras!